Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Answer I DIDN'T want

I'm dead in the future. Wonderful news. I'm trilled.

I stared Vader down. He stared me down. I tapped my fingers on my hip.

"So, who are you? Or rather were are you?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter," he said, shortly.

I snorted. "Well, it matters to me. I can go back and kick your arse! Kick sense into you!"

Vader snorted back. "You couldn't kick my arse then and you can't now."

I reached for my lightsaber. "Want to test that theory?"


"I have a name, Vader," I said, glaring.

"Put your saber away, Kriss." He walked to the large window and turned his back to me.

I clipped my saber back to my belt. "Why did you come back to my time anyway? Why contact me?"

I was getting that answer if it killed me.

Vader paused for the longest time. I was planning to stand there saying nothing till he answered, even if it took forever and then some.

"I remember you had a open mind and soft heart. You should have lived," he muttered. "You saw the good in people even when it wasn't apparent to anyone else."

"So, you want me to stoke your ego?" I said, as soon as the words popped out I felt bad. I sensed he was serious. I sighed. "You want me to find something good about you?"

"Not exactly," he replied. "There is more to it. Now."

My mouth dropped and my eyes bugged. "You do have hots for me! Oh, my stars and garters!"

Well, there it was, my answer. Vader turned at looked at my shocked expression. Breathe in, breath out, repeat.

"It's not that bad, woman," he said.

I gawked. “Oh? Let me run down the list for you. One: Jedi and Sith they don't mix. Two: You're annoying. Three: You're from the future. Four: Look at you! How do you kiss a girl wearing that thing on your head? Five: you have a bad temper! Six: I don't like you! Seven: I don't have a seven. Eight: You're a jerk!" I took a deep breath. "Did I mention you’re a jerk?"

"I'm not that bad or you wouldn't be here," he stated.

He did have a point. I did come here of my accord. And I have taken his gifts and comms, not really knowing why I did so. Ack! I sat down on the edge of the desk, laid back, and stared up at the ceiling.

"I'm rich."

I turned my head. "I'm Jedi, should I care?"

"It has it's advantages, even for a Jedi," Vader said.

I burst out laughing. This whole situation was ridiculous. "Okay, then buy me a planet. Name it Wickcatta and build me a huge house on the ocean," I joked.

"All right."

I laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks. "I was kidding!"

"I wasn't," he said seriously.

I really started to crack up. I rolled right off the desk and landed on the floor. Seriously, I was losing it, I think. I nearly peed my robes.

"I'm sorry," I sobbed though crackles. "This so unreal! Ouch, my knees!" Pulling myself to my feet, I got back on the desk and rubbed my knees. "You're not going to try to turn me to the Dark Side are you? It would never work."

Vader chuckled. "You half way there anyway, always were. You don't need me to try."

I wiped my face. "I am not! I don’t think."

Am I?

I need a drink!

posted by Anonymous at 2:35 PM, |


9. Your breathing would keep me up all night. 10. You're mostly robotic. 11. Who need an 11 when you have 10 already. 12. You've got a dozen buttons on your chest I am scared to touch any of them. 13. Is an unlucky number, like you. 14. Is 2 x 7, and since we are doing math already multiply that by a million, and that's how much I hate you.
  At 7:08 PM Blogger Heidi said:
****rubs forhead**** dear, this is getting a bit confusing....
Ah don't worry about your destiny. Everyone is dead in the future.
  At 10:37 PM Blogger Skywalker said:
*snort* Good ones, Erifia.
  At 10:42 PM Blogger Unknown said:
Erifia, HA, love it!
Nan, I know. I'm confused too.
Jaba, Don't ask about the name. LMAO!
Xavier, SAY WHAT?
Skywalker, shut it. LOL
Now I'm disturbed.
  At 11:31 PM Blogger Phobia said:
Disturbing? yeah. .definitly disturbing. .wait .. anotehr word for it.. creepiness
*shakes head* Wo.. Kriss, if that's all on your list then you really need to look at the bigger picture.

Apoc, I suggest that you stay out of this.
  At 3:48 AM Blogger Phobia said:
Don't start with the bigger picture crud.. You're one to talk you oversized tin can.. She's the photographer not you.. and secondly.. if you start looking at the bigger pciture you question yourself repeatedly until you drive yourself crazy
  At 3:56 AM Blogger Lysandra said:
vader? That's not enough for you is it? alright, tell me how many you need on that list and I'll finish it up. Bird brain! Wait, it's a tin brain!
  At 9:16 AM Blogger Lysandra said:
oh I forgot, I wonder why the dutch missed you when they were getting all the tin from se asia... oh darn, my mind's on history mode
I would asks for dating refrences, find out if this guy is a crazy or something.
Oh, I like Darth Santa. At least he won't get his suit dirty sliding down the chimney.
  At 7:40 PM Blogger Lysandra said:
15. you're a real pain in the ass. 16. when you talk there's like no emotions 17. if you ignore your master who knows who you'll ignore next. 18. i don't even know who you were. 19. forget it! you're just an incurable jerk! 20. just shut up and go to hell