Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Starch And Some Answers

Location: Vader's Ship. Ten years in the future. (Dayum those time wormholes!)

Blast it! Have you any idea how bloody huge this ship it? I thought Republic ships were huge! I got so lost it wasn’t even funny. I couldn't ask anyone either where the hanger bay was because that would be like yelling, "I'm leaving!" I did find a map but it made the situation worse.

When I did find the hanger the place was a ant farm of activity, troopers and solders everywhere. I could see one fighter off the side close the doors, and close to controls to open the shields. Getting to it was the fun part.

I was getting ready to make my move when a shadow fell in front of me.

"Going some where, Jedi?" A voice cut through my thoughts.

"Who frack are you?" I asked.

"The name is Tarkin, Governor Tarkin," he said, stepping to the light.

Force what a uptight man! His uniform was so starched if he sat down he’d pop right back up and if he smiled, his whole face would crack and fall apart.

He was eyeing me as much as I was eyeing him. "Lord Vader didn't tell me you were allowed down here in the hanger bay," he snapped.

"I was told I could go anywhere I wanted," I span back.

"Well, yes but I hardly think Lord Vader meant you could come down here and escape."

"Escape? I thought I was guest. Guests don't have to escape, they leave," I told him tartly.

He said nothing, I had him there and he knew it.

"Does that stare intimidate people, Governor?" I smiled.

His eyes narrowed at me. "He should kill you again and save himself the trouble."

"Excuse me? Kill me again? Who?"

Tarkin leaned close. "You know nothing of the future, do you, Jedi?"

Ok, he had me there. I put my hand on my hip. "Maybe not. Why don't you tell me?"

Tarkin opened his mouth but a loud booming voice echoed across the hanger. "TARKIN!" I cringed and looked over my shoulder.

Dayum, it was Vader. He approached us looking much better than he did when we arrived. Stopping by me he looked from me to Tarkin.

"Go back where you came from," he spat at Tarkin. "NOW!"

"Yes, Lord Vader," he said taking a step back. With a disturbing smile he disappeared.

"Lovely fellow, Vader. I bet he has all the ladies after him," I said, craning my neck to look up at Vader.

"You, follow me," he barked and spun on his heel, cape swirling.

"Nice to see you, too," I muttered at his back.

Back inside the room I started out in, he spins on me. "Where did you think you where going?"

"Uh, home! Duh!"

"Why? We aren't finished talking," he snaps. "It's rude to run out on a conversation."

"Oh no, you did not just call ME rude!" I shouted. "You got lot of nerve, you oversized tuna can!"

"Don't ever call me an oversized tuna can again, woman," he said.

I crossed my arms. "Over- sized- tuna- can."

I ducked the flying chair and the two that came after it. Gods, what a temper! I can play that game too. I sent the nearest fallen chair right back at him. Nailed him right in the helmet.

"I like a girl with spirit!" he growled, tossing another chair.

"Don't say things like that, you harebrained nerf herder!" I shouted, ducking the chair and sending a lamp his way. "I'll switch off your air conditioning, I swear I will!"

Another lamp went soaring in the air, crashing down by my feet. "You missed! HA!" I nailed him the chest with a datapad. I was running out of things to toss. "And what this about you killing me again? If I find out I'm dead in the future and you killed me I’m going to be very upset!"

He froze. From his reaction, I could sense it. "Am I dead in this time? Don't lie to me."


"I knew it! I am dead! Frack it! Was it you? Tarkin sort of said it was. What did he mean?" I demanded to know.

"Ignore Tarkin, the starch affects his mind. Another killed you," Vader came back with.


"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me," he fired at me.

"Don't give me that crap! That's all you ever say, that and 'more than you know'. Open your mouth, say really words!" I shouted.

"Even if I told you, you won't be able to stop what is to be," he said harshly. "You will stay here."

"I'll stay here when Whomp Rats shoot out your-"

"If you go back, you will die," he shouted, cutting me off.

"So, what do you care if I end up dead?" I spat. He stared. "Blast it! You are the most annoying person, that I have ever met!"

"You think this bowl of apples for me, woman?" he said. "To see you alive?"

"I know you in my time?" I asked, shocked. "Who you were before-?" I waved my hand to the suit.

"Yes, you know me." He crossed his arms. "Very well."

posted by Anonymous at 3:03 PM, |


  At 4:11 PM Blogger Janus said:
This Vader seems to be a nuisance, can you not just take off his helmet and kill him?
Wow Tarkin is uptight. I bet the rod up his butt has a rod up its butt!
  At 10:50 PM Blogger Phobia said:
Jon.. I totally agree there..tarkin is so uptight he even blinks hishead will pop like a ballon.. Oh wait that's vader..
Uptight is an understatment. Good grief.
  At 10:52 PM Blogger Skywalker said:
Someone else for me to dislike.
Stars, she is a spunky one and does not take doodoo from anyone. Good girl
  At 4:39 AM Blogger Lysandra said:
I thought you hated him already? Anyway, *passes a chair over* go on, whack his head again. you know, for a force sensitive, he has very bad aim. Like someone else I know ;)
  At 12:20 PM Blogger Phobia said:
The possibility of just yanking off Vader's helemt and killing him seems good.. The older sith get, the more powerful they become. And a chair over the head wouldn't be amiss as the murder weapon*snort*
Hiss! Get of of there! Meow!