Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Face Revealed

Vader sat back in the chair. “If I were to let you see my face, and I’m not saying I’m going to, I would have to kill you,” he joked.

“Har har. Cute, Vader,” I said and he snorted, amused.

I really wanted to see his face, get past these games and get down to nitty gritty. He knew that, of course. This was a test to see how hard I was going to try. Man, do I have restraint. Coming around that chair and getting backhanded would almost be worth the trouble.

“I’m tired of this,” I whispered to myself.

“I know you are,” he said. “If you only trusted me.”

Oddly, I do. “I do trust you, Vader, or I would’ve tried to kill you a long time ago.”

His head turned some. “Tell me you’ll stay here.”

I shook my head. “I can’t.”

“I don’t want you to die again,” he said.

Well, bloody fell I don’t want to die either! But if it saves those I care for…

A plan formed.

“Show me your face and I’ll stay,” I said. “I promise.”

Vader kicked his foot and the chair swung around.

My throat caught, all the blood in head went right to my feet, my mouth dropped open. I got so lightheaded I thought I would blackout. My eyes had to be lying to me.

But they weren’t.

“Anakin?” I whispered.
posted by Anonymous at 1:35 AM, |


  At 1:39 AM Blogger Phobia said:
holy effing banthapudu.. It was ashock then and it is now.. you knew anakin.. you knew.. but how.. that poem related to present and future.. *sits down*
Easy Pho.. easy.. you're right though.. I sue form 5 as well.. Force.. why did you turn on us why? we did nothing to you.. nd yet you side with that leech*shakes head sadly*
Hello there Master Kriss, You mean to tell me it was him all along! Wow, uh now what?
  At 1:48 AM Blogger Skywalker said:

  At 1:51 AM Blogger Skywalker said:
*stalks back*
Oh, yeah, using my face, good one, Vader! You *BEEP*!
  At 1:55 AM Blogger Phobia said:
* in weak shaky voice* Anakin.. he's not using your face.. that is you.. i figured out the riddle a long time ago, but I could not bring ymself to realize what it truly meant
  At 1:57 AM Blogger Unknown said:
*glares* We need to talk, Skywalker, NOW!
So now you know...
  At 8:52 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Oh fer heavens sake, this cat and mouse game has got to stop. Go ahaead and kiss the bucket head girl. Ya know ya want to.

This has been worse than seein wookies mate !
Suprise suprise suprise!
OMG!! * wonders to himself , now where is this going to lead too?*
Hey I worked with Vader and I worked with Skywalker back in the day. Tehy can't be the same guy. One is a delusional whiner who is filled with self doubt, self hatred and looks stunning in black.

The other is just some Tatooine trailer trash.

Aw man, was I using my indide voice on the outside again.

*ducks a chair*
Kriss, I hope you didn't push this too far. I do not want to lose you, former Padawan or not.
Kriss, I did warn you and hope it is worth it.
No, Anakin, it is you and you know so.
...I... Ani?

I'm not listening! I'm not looking!
  At 6:09 PM Blogger Tash199 said:
Obs and I warned u Kriss :( I know it hurts yeah how bout Ani, Phob, Obs, u and I go out for a drink to talk about it