Tuesday, April 25, 2006

That Darn Cat!

We have a cat here at the Temple. Jar Jar Binks gave it to the Temple for the younglings a few years ago.

He named it Gar-Gar. Not surprising, huh?

That cat is insane, I tell you! It eats everything, claws the walls, and has the worst smelling litterbox on the planet!

Gar-Gar is quite attached to Obi-Wan and Anakin. He once crawled inside Artoo just so he could go on one of their missions. Everytime Artoo beeped, he also meowed.

The smell inside there later was not pleasant.

Gar-Gar loves to hide under Ani's robes and pop out when he goes before the Jedi Counsel.

How he does this without Ani knowing, I have no idea. I think I would notice the tail sticking out of my robe, you know?

Attention hog!
posted by Anonymous at 5:33 AM, |


Wow, no wonder his robe looks a little bulky.

And you forgot to mention that the darn cat can dance.
  At 12:30 PM Blogger Unknown said:
Yep he can fit, tightly but he can. Oh yea, I did forget the dancing. LOL, opps!
That cat did something in hy helmet. if I get ahold of that beast, it will become Gar Gar Tar Tar!
  At 11:47 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
I could make a comment about Ani having a cat in his pants, and not use the word "cat", but it would be wrong - there may be younglings reading.

  At 1:57 AM Blogger Unknown said:
  At 10:45 AM Blogger Heather K said:
I needed that laugh!
  At 2:47 AM Blogger Skywalker said:
Gar thinks his impression of John Travolta is good.