Monday, August 14, 2006

Private entry

HoloBlog User's Password Overwritten.

I read Anakin's report. For once, that is actually how things happened. Give or take a little.

The real WHY Dooku kidnapped me was omitted.

I had pictures, taken by request, of a certain Jedi and his wife, on their wedding day, pictures that can't get out to the public. I swore they never would, and I've kept that promise.

I say 'had' because I gave them to the person who can protect them better that I can.

Dooku grilled me relentlessly for information and wanted those pictures badly. I told him nothing other than he was crazy and that rumor was untrue. I have loose tooth over that and a nice bruise on my face.

Someone better never say I don't care or he'll have a loose tooth.

Barriss is acting strange too. I need to talk to her when we gat back to the Temple. Something odd is going on with her.

On a closing note, Ani wasn't too happy about me getting Commander Cody to stick the P'weck in his room yesterday. He knocked on my door and just walked in. Didn't say a word, just handed me the bird and left.

He was shirtless.

He has to stop doing that.


I did keep one picture, only because my Ewok Tee decided to be a ham.

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posted by Anonymous at 2:35 PM, |


  At 7:18 AM Blogger Nepharia said:
Hey! I was looking forward to seeing the rest of them!
  At 12:06 PM Blogger Skywalker said:
You can't see the rest. Oh, nooooo!
Dang Ewoks always getting in the way of things!
  At 5:52 PM Blogger No-No said:
is it possible that an ewok is more adorable than Ani? It sure seems so. I want one of those!!!
I would rather deal with Gar-Gar the cat.
an inportant message for you: Vote For Tak.

Hey who said that?
  At 1:23 PM Blogger Unknown said:
Oh no, not this pic. The ones he wants were much more incimaiating. Very.
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