Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Guest Poster: Gar-Gar

Meow! Someone is impersonating me! Going around pretending to be me! Purr! Stop it! I am a made up character by DJK, only she may impersonate me. You may use me in your posts but please do not go around pretending to me on other peoples blogs and cboxs thank you. Purr.
posted by Gar-Gar The Cat at 12:09 AM, |


  At 12:17 AM Blogger Phobia said:
Yeah.. it's not nice, and could land you into a whole lot of trouble..
  At 12:20 AM Blogger Unknown said:
Sorry, little pal.
  At 8:40 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
who would wanna imitate a scruffy orange furball anyway ?

:-) hehehehehe
Imitating a fat orange cat. That's rediculous, I say.

*sniff sniff* Do I smell Lasagna? Yum yum.
  At 2:03 PM Blogger Skywalker said:
*shakes head* Don't shoot orange furballs.

Need me to go slay them?

I'll do it!

I will!


Anger management...

Anger management...
Hi GarGar,,, I love gargar kitty! Thats mean to be impersonating peoples! Someone has impersonated Master Yoda in my c-box too! And Master Skywalker too... I do not condone it.
  At 11:02 PM Blogger Phobia said:
Hey hey.. leave Lisette outta this. though she is still slightly ticked over aht Gar did at the Christmas party she wouldn't do this. In fact she wants to help if you want to do something about this mess. :p
  At 4:39 AM Blogger cooltopten said:
Thats it , I hate imitaters .I,m gonna put them in a fatasy battle against all the jedi and godzilla , and let them make kitty chow mein out of the imitator..

anger management too :)
*pets head with big gloved hand*

Come to the dark side, little kitty, we have tuna.
That is dispicable. Stop impersonating that lovable little scuffball or you have to answer to me.
This is a nice place. It is not right to do this. Stop now before something happens.
I am so sorry Gar ;)