Thursday, May 10, 2007

On The Way

I always knew Anakin could fly anything, even when he was small but there is something disconcerting about a youngling flying a speeder like a madman when your head aches. Which is what he was doing. He hits a sand dune, and we did this bounce. Argh! Thank the Force I hadn’t ate anything.

“Whoops,” he mutters. “Sorry.”

It was funny, being in the past, sitting here with Anakin before I met him. He was nosy, asked me a thousand questions and stared at me when I started to laugh.


I couldn’t stop laughing and then I found myself wanting to cry. I couldn’t help it. The past few weeks and everything I found out about Anakin and Vader hit me like rocks. I covered my face.

“My flying isn’t that bad!” Anakin said, stopped the speeder.

Can I hug him? Just squeeze him to death? I shook my head. “It’s not you. I’m tired, achy, and I’ve had a bad month or so,” I told him.

“Oh. Well, that sucks Bantha toes. Crashing here didn’t help any, did it?”

I shook my head again. “No! I think I’m in real big trouble now.”

“You need ship, right?” he asked.

“One that this,” I held up the memory system, “will work in. Unless you have Imperial ships around here, I don’t think I’m going anywhere.”

Anakin looked at me with all too familiar look of HUH? “Imperial?”

“Never mind.”

“My mother says nothing is set in stone.”

How right she was.

Anakin took off again, and my stomach went up my throat. Now I know how Obi-Wan feels. Remind me not to mention that to him although.
posted by Anonymous at 3:39 PM, |


wow! LOL Anakin's famious flying... lol
  At 5:36 PM Blogger Phobia said:
Don't fly with Anakin when you're sick.. or haveeaten anything.. that goes double for me usually.. I get a lot of my speed demonness off of him * giggles*

And Shmi is right., nothing is set in stone.. I need to remember that more
So.. I was wondering where you got it from.. I'm not suprised..

Being in the past can be disconcerting.. but look at it this way DJK, you can see a little of why he acts the way he does today from what you see from then.
  At 7:28 PM Blogger Tash199 said:
oh... *sighs* I remember the first ride I took with Anakin in a speeder
  At 10:06 PM Blogger Skywalker said:
I dont remeber this, any of it.

My flying rules, people!
  At 8:38 AM Blogger cooltopten said:
LOL ani,s flying sounds cool, could save money on going on rollercoasters :)
  At 1:41 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Not knowing wether to laugh or cry, feeling anxious, scared, headache, nausious !!

Yep its love !

  At 4:43 PM Blogger Unknown said:
I like this new layout.

Very red.
o man on my first speeder ride with him I was puking for a week *shudders*
  At 7:48 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Love the look .

Now if ya had a new avatar ;-)

Just kidding , I like the old one
I don't think most speeders are designed to do barrel roles, and yet that's what they do when he's driving 'em.
  At 6:38 PM Blogger Lysandra said:
Anakin has a tendency to remember only what he WANTS to remember *snorts* great layout!
*puts hand over mouth*
Just thinking of his flying style makes me feel sick....

BTW, very nice job on the layout.

Anakin always had great potential, even at a young age but then.....
I agree with Obi Wan, love it.

Well his flying never bothered me since I have an "iron" stomach but let not the future control the past. Keep your mind and heart open.
  At 7:02 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
Love the new look Kriss!